Should you have any questions regarding this privacy policy, you are welcome to directly contact:
C&F International
GmbH & Co. KG
Valentinskamp 70
D-20355 Hamburg
Phone +49-40-80810-7500
Fax +49-40-80810-7599
You may also contact our data protection officer, attorney Frank Henkel, directly with any questions regarding our privacy policy:
RA Frank Henkel
Wandsbeker Zollstr. 5
D-22041 Hamburg
Phone +49-40-6894985-10
Fax +49-40-6894985-20
4. External links
Our website contains links to external web pages, the content of which does not reside on our server. The external content of such links is examined as the links are created. It cannot be excluded, however, that the content of such sites is subsequently changed. Please inform us of any external provider content that may be in violation of existing law.
This privacy policy is only applicable to the content on our servers.
5. Right to information
You are entitled at all times to receive information on your stored personal data, including the origin and recipients of your data and the purpose of data processing. Please submit your request to our above addresses.
1. Collection and processing of http protocol data
Our web server collects protocol data on every visit to our website and for every retrieved file. These data are not personal data to us, which means that we cannot assign captured data to a specific natural person.
We capture the following data, among other, which we use exclusively for statistical purposes:
- the IP of your access server
- browser type and version
- operating system used
- the website from which you access our website
- websites which you visit when with us
- name of the retrieved file
- date and time of retrieval
- volume of data transmitted
- message if retrieval was successful
http protocol data are not disclosed to third parties. We do not link these data to other data.
2. Use of personal data
We only collect such personal data that you wittingly make available to us, e.g. contact details in input masks. We do not use personal data for advertising purposes and market research.
On closing, the processing purposes are shown at corresponding points on our website. Processing purposes are not later modified.
We disclose data to third parties without your consent only if required to do so by law. You may retract your consent to the use of your data at any time via our above addresses.
3. Use of cookies
Cookies are datasets sent to the user’s web browser by the web server, where they are stored for later use. You can set your browser to inform you before a cookie is stored and to not store the cookie unless you approve.
We do not use cookies.